建成科學儀器公司專業項目: Success Scientific Technical Information




A portable data collection and analysis system for Computer Based Laboratories


未來的科學教育建立於簡易與多功能的軟硬體及多元化的基礎科學器材 -- 包括硬體設備 (The MultiLog device), 
軟體科技 (The DB-Lab software), 活用性 (Physics, Chemistry and Biology experiment books)

The MultiLog data collection system is an advanced, Portable system that puts the power of a complete laboratory at your fingertips. You can use MultiLog with your choice of sensors to measure virtually any kind of natural phenomena. Incredibly Easy-To-Use, MultiLog is Fast and has a huge memory. MultiLog provides you with a post-experiment data-handling program, the DB-Lab --- a simple, yet Powerful Windows-based program that favorite spreadsheet. MultiLog is not only Educational -- it's lots of fun.

Fast --- MultiLog can sample data as fast as 14,000 times per second (critical for electricity or sound experiments). Setting up an experiment using MultiLog takes seconds. Processing data is as easy as clicking a button. MultiLog replaces time-consuming data-collection tasks with the excitement of hands-on scientific experience.

Portable --- MultiLog runs either connected to your PC or as a stand-alone unit. Experiments can be set up completely from its keypad. The 350-gram MultiLog can record 100 hours of data, and its memory holds more than 100,000 samples. So you have the freedom to experiment where you want, when you want.

Easy-To-Use --- The MultiLog system connects to every PC. The DB-Lab installs in seconds. MultiLog makes setting up an experiment as easy as 1-2-3: (1)select the sensors, (2)select the sampling rate, and GO. A single click downloads data to the computer.

Educational --- The MultiLog system comes in complete kits for various fields of scientific education. Each set contains the MultiLog data logger, the DB/Lab software, sensors for a specific field of study, and an experiment book for that field. Currently, kits are available for physics, chemistry, and biology. Custom-designed kits can also be provided to meet your specific requirements.

Powerful --- The MultiLog system features 40 sensors for various scientific uses. It can record data from up to 6 different sensors at the same time. It is the only data collection and processing tool you need for physics, biology, chemistry, and environmental science education.

It's the best data logger you have ever seen !!!

MultiLog for various fields of scientific education

MultiLog for plant monitoring

MultiLog Weather Station Data base Laboratory Software Education data books 40 different sensors

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