電氣高溫窯爐設備及熱分析儀器 系列 High Temperature Furnaces & Thermal Analysis 

Nabertherm / 德國納博熱機集團

德國納博熱機集團 (Nabertherm) 電氣高溫窯爐系列從小容量實驗研究用到產業生產線上使用之制式與特定規格機種十分齊備絕對能滿足客戶的須求.  納博熱機電氣高溫爐溫度範圍 300 ~ 3,000°C. 內部容量 1 ~ 15,000 公升.


德國納博熱機 (Nabertherm) 擁有三百多名員工, 五十多年來一直為眾多熱處理領域研發, 生產窯爐和相關設備.  十五萬多名客戶遍佈全世界一百個國家, 就是我們成功的例證.  數十年來在工業窯和爐的製造經驗使公司獲得“納博熱機 (Nabertherm)優良品質”的美譽, 並以頂級品質的材料, 最大極限的溫度精確性, 創新和精密的工藝處理控制等著稱.

Nabertherm 納博熱機集團是全球最負盛名的電氣高溫窯爐設備研發製造廠商....

 Nabertherm Group
Headquarters:    Nabertherm GmbH
Core Business:    Furnace manufacturing, custom-made, innovate solutions for thermal processes
Foundation:    1947, family-owned
Turnover:    35 Mio EUR
Employees:    300
Customers:    150.000 world-wide
Group Companies:   
Sales Subsidiaries:    Nabertherm S.A., France
Nabertherm Schweiz AG
Nabertherm Ltd., UK
Nabertherm Inc., USA
Head office:  

We want satisfied customers. That's why your wishes and the question of finding the right kiln/furnace to suit your needs are our main concern. And who should know the answer to that better than yourself? We are always open to your suggestions and, of course, your criticism. And that, right from the very start. We see ourselves as a high-tech manufacturer. And for us, that means at every stage, from planning right through to delivery: creating a product with care and experience which meets the highest demands possible. High-tech Hand-made. Indeed, more than just heat.




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