露點計, 相對濕度量測及訊號傳輸儀器 Relative Humidity & Dew Point Measurement 


NIR Technology for Process Management / Real Time and On-line Moisture Monitoring Instrumentation


Management Software
MoistTech's software program to monitor and control

MoistTech has also designed a high-tech Windows software program to configure and monitor MoistTech transmitters. With this program you can view and adjust calibrations, parameters and diagnostics. With digital displays and graphs the MoistTech Software program is easy to use and can be operated on any PC and/or laptop computer. While this software provides basic sensor monitoring and logging, communications protocol is provided to users to facilitate communication with more sophisticated HMI such as Wonderware and Intellution products.

MoistTech offers the following Software:

  • PC Configuration Software

  • PC Diagnostics Software

  • PDA Software

  • Windows CE Operator Interface Software



Diagnostic Screen

Trend Screen

Calibration Screen




v  建成科學儀器股份有限公司     |      網 址: www.ssco.com.tw    |      服務電話:  (02) 29103818     |     傳 真:  (02) 29101316 v