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通過 50 餘年研究與製造空壓機的歷史經驗, JUN-AIR 已成為全世界超靜音空氣壓縮機的主要供給者.

自從在 1958 年第一台空氣壓縮機誕生以來, 基於我們的完整歷鍊, JUN-AIR 的持續擴張, 並且透過我們的全球化分支機構和各地區代理經銷公司供應我產品至世界各角落.

經過我們的不斷研究發展新產品和生產的設備與技術的不斷提升, JUN-AIR 產品品質和可靠性始終保持不墜的聲譽. 這是我們全世界有超過 500,000 個滿意顧客的原因之一.

身為國際性公司, 我們關心世界環境和努力生產有利於環境品質的產品, 我們導入一些能夠改進我們的產品能源效率的空氣壓縮機, 這是透過儘量減少的能量消耗以間接幫助減少溫室氣體排放物.

JUN-AIR 超靜空壓機是為着數之不盡的用途而設計. 因此, 在世界各地之實驗室, 牙科診所, 醫療機構, 各類工商業應用等均可看到它的存在. 除了提供標準系列的空壓機外, 我們亦經常因應客户對壓縮空氣的個別要求而作出特別設計.


Through its history of more than 50 years, JUN-AIR has achieved to become a leading supplier of quiet compressors.

Based on our experience since the introduction of the first compressor in 1958, the expansion of JUN-AIR has continued and today we supply products worldwide through our subsidiary companies and distributors.

Through continuous development of our products and production facilities, JUN-AIR is able to maintain an enviable reputation for quality and reliability. This is one of the reasons why we have more than 500,000 satisfied customers all over the world.

As an international company, we are concerned about the world environment and strive to produce products that offer environmental benefits. We have throughout the years introduced a number of improvements to our products to give us the most energy efficient compressors, which will indirectly help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through reduced energy consumption.

Our quiet compressors are designed for a countless number of uses and can be found in laboratories, dental clinics, medical, graphic and industrial applications worldwide.

In recent years we have expanded our facilities to become a supplier of customized compressors, developing JUN-AIR products to the customers' individual requirements.

JUN-AIR is a private owned group of companies with its parent company based in Denmark. The shareholders are LD Pensions (Lønmodtagernes Dyrtidsfond), Erhvervsinvest Nord and Christian Sørensen.