精密科學, 理化分析儀器及實驗器材設備 Scientific Instruments & Laboratory Equipment  


INVERSINA 三度空間旋轉高效率均勻混合機, 實驗及產業用發酵槽與周邊設施規劃設計施工


Tumbler Mixer, Powder Homogenizing

Tumbler Mixers
Our Inversina Tumbler Mixer series use inversion kinematics for mixing solids or liquids.  This astonishing three-dimensional motion (Paul Schatz principle) combines a figure-of-eight movement with rotation and sets the substances in a rhythmic, pulsating motion.  This technique is much more reliable than the techniques used for barrel mixers, v-blenders, double cone blenders or ribbon mixers, which have segregation zones and longer mixing and cleaning times.

We offer 4 models for Laboratory & Industry:

  Manual Mini-Inversina:
     For 1.7 litre glass bottle or any small container

  Inversina 2-litre (1/2 gallon): 
     For any container with a capacity of up to 2 litres

  Inversina 20-litre (5 gallons): 
     For 5 or 10 litre bottles or 20-litre standard steel drum

  Inversina 50, 100 and 300-litre
     For steel drums from 50 litres,  (13 gallons) up to 300 litres (80 gallons)

Three-dimensional motion

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Bioengineering Inversina 應 用 對 象:

實驗與分析 / Analytics Sample preparation for quality control
電池工業 / Batteries Blending of dry cell components
水泥工業 / Cement industry Quality control and R&D
化妝品工業 / Cosmetics Mixing of face powder and nail polish
齒科器材業 / Dental industry Mixing of materials for artificial teeth
鑽石工具業 / Diamond tools Mixing of diamond powder and binding material
染料及顏料 / Dyes and Pigments Manufacture of colour compositions
炸藥及熱能技術 / Explosives & Pyrotech Production of fuses, rockets, fireworks
食品工業 / Food industry Preparation of dry food
電子工業 / Electrotechnics Mixture preparation for magnets/carbon brushes
化學製藥工業 / Pharmaceutics Preparation of tablet-filling material
核子工業 / Nuclear industry Mixing of uranium dioxide granules
塑膠工業 / Plastics Mixing of resins and pigments
印刷油墨業 / Printing Inks Production of toner mixtures
碳化鎢工具業 / Tungsten carbide tools Mixing of metal powders
Further applications are: Dissolving of solids. Washing of solids with solvents, Dispersion and emulsion preparation, Extractions, Polymerisations, Grinding as ball mill


v  建成科學儀器股份有限公司     |      網 址: www.ssco.com.tw    |      服務電話:  (02) 29103818     |     傳 真:  (02) 29101316 v