水質分析空氣污染及環境保護監測儀器 Water Analysis and Environmental Protection


MiniVol TAS 攜帶型空氣採樣器

MiniVol™ TAS 可攜帶型空氣採樣器, 操作準則符合 PM2.5, PM10, TSP 標準規範, 是空氣污染防治最方便有效利器.

Airmetrics is dedicated to providing practical and innovative solutions to ambient air monitoring problems. We manufacture the MiniVol™ TAS Portable Air Sampler and offer a complimentary line of calibration orifices, filter cassettes and mailers, and Tedlar bags. We also provide filter weighing services, calibration services, and rental samplers.


v  建成科學儀器股份有限公司     |      網 址: www.ssco.com.tw    |      服務電話:  (02) 29103818     |     傳 真:  (02) 29101316 v